Cronica unui film ceh

Era pe la inceputul anilor '80. Sambata seara. Eram in vizita la niste prieteni care reuseau sa prinda cu o antena bine mesterita canalul de televiziune bulgaresc.
Nu vazusem filmul de la inceput, asa ca nu ii stiam titlul si nici pe regizor. Din cate imi dadeam seama, parea a fi facut prin anii '60. Ma gandeam daca nu era facut de Forman, sau de Menzel. Nu era. Peste ani aveam sa gasesc pe Internet lista filmelor facute de Forman, a celor facute de Menzel, ale lui Vavra, ale Chitilovei - nu am regaist in ele nici un film a carui poveste sa se potriveasca macar un pic cu povestea din filmul acela.
I thought it was a movie by Forman - however it seems that it is made by another Czech filmmaker. I did a search on the imdb, with no luck at all.
It is about a group of very old people, living in a small town - they prepare the celebration of 50 or 60 years since high school graduation.
As they are very old, there are all kind of comic situations. Four of them prepare a piece of chamber music for the event, only each one has his own habits, his own ideas... One of these folks is a difficult person, always giving hard time to the others.
Actually he hopes to meet at the celebration his love from the high school years. He had got married with another girl - and life went on, not particularly bad, while not particularly happy, either. And he would like to see his old girlfriend - he does not know very well what he would say to her, but he hopes somehow that a kind of miracle would take place, and his life would find suddenly a sense.
The day of the event comes - only the old flame is no more - she had died a couple of months ago.
Our fellow leaves the party, as he does not want his tears to be seen. One of the other classmates comes and hugs him, let's have some fun - let's dance and sing in the park, barefoot.
But the militiaman can give us a fine!
He will not, come on. Let's do it!
And, yes, the miracle takes place - the old nasty guy starts to smile.
Nezralé maliny - (Unripe raspberries), directed by Frantisek Filip and written by Jiri Hubac. It´s a real jewel among tv works of that time. Information about it is unfortunately very rare anywhere (Karel-Capek)