Friday, June 30, 2006

June 30

Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep in The Devil wears Prada
The Devil wears Prada Anne Hathaway plays here a young writer eager to win respect from the editor (Meryl Streep) of a Vogue-like fashion magazine.

Red China or Green? Thomas L. Friedman is now in Peru, meditating at the Chinese impact in today's Latin America. While at home China is starting to be aware of the huge ecological issues that came with its rapid development, it is not concerned at all about these issues in countries from Latin America and Africa, where it looks for natural resources suppliers. China gets green at home while remaining red abroad.

That is why one of the biggest environmental challenges in the world today is how to turn Red China into Green China — not just at home, but abroad, says Thomas L. Friedman.

Google Launches Payment Service, Competing With PayPal Ritz Camera, Timberland and Starbucks are among the companies adopting the Google Checkout, the new service launched yesterday will compete with eBay's PayPal system.

Online advertisers that support Google Checkout will get a small shopping cart icon by their ads at the search engine. Those companies also will get a break on the fees they would normally pay Google to use the shopping service.

Will the Allen-Webb race be content-free? The Senate race in Virginia should not descend into puerility - that's the opinion expressed in one of the editorials of today's Washington Post.

Ask Virginians to name the top 20 issues facing the state or the nation, and it's a good bet that the physical desecration of the flag and the patriotic bona fides of candidates for public office will not make the cut. Are Virginia voters really going to be subjected to five more months of blah, blah, blah about which candidate is the greater patriot or the more despicable coward? It's hard to imagine a more irrelevant debate or a campaign that would serve the public so poorly.

And it's the birthday of Gone with the Wind !

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Azi in Washington Post

Bloggers on the Payroll Blogari pe statele de plata Din trei una:

1. Peter Daou continua in stilul lui de mistocar si atunci Clintonoaia renunta la el
2. Clintonoaia se da pe brazda dupa Peter Daou si devine kazacita
3. Peter Daou se apuca sa manance kkt ca orice jurnalist cu agenda politica

Will Democrats Put Their Faith in Obama? Ar face bine.

'Net Neutrality' Amendment Rejected Am dat de dracu' - deci companiile de cablu si de telefonie vor putea incarca nota de plata in draci pt. serverele independente - vom trai si vom vedea

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Cowboy in the Boat of Ra

Ishmael Reed protesting the Bush Inauguration, 2005
A high-yellow lawyer woman told me
I ought to go to Europe
to "broaden your per spective."
This happened at a black black cocktail party
an oil portrait, Andrew Carnegie, smiling down

What You Mean I Can't Irony?

O cucoana blonda de tot
si avocata mai ales,
mi-a spus
Ca ar trebui sa ma duc prin Europa
sa-mi "largesc perspectiva"
Asta s-a intamplat la un cocktail party negru de tot
un portret in ulei, al unui domn alb de tot
si bogat mai ales, Andrew Carnegie,
zambind de sus, privindu-ma in jos

Andrew Carnegie

Ce vrei de fapt sa spui cand zici ca nu pot ironiza?


Catechism of d Neoamerican Hoodoo Church

I am a cowboy in the boat of Ra.
Lord of the lash, the Loop Garou Kid.
Half breed son of Pisces and Aquarius.
I hold the souls of men in my pot.
I do the dirty boogie with scorpions.
I make the bulls keep still
and was the first swinger to grape the taste.

I am a cowboy in the boat of Ra

Sunt cowboy pe corabia lui Ra.
Domn pe Lassoul meu si Prunc de Varcolac,
Sunt prunc de lup, al Lupului Garrou,
In Gemeni sunt prasit
Juma' juma' de Pesti si Varsator
Tin sufletele oamenilor in Balanta
Cu Scorpioni dansez nerusinatul Boogie
Tauri dresez, Berbeci si Capricorni,
Si unduindu-ma usor
Sorbit-am dulce zvon de Blues.


Sint razvratitul din corabia lui Ra
Stapinul biciului, faimosul Noua Cozi
O corcitura varsator si peste
Captive suflete de om colectionez in urna
Destrabalat fara rusine cu cei scorpioni
Si stapinind toti taurii frematatori
Sint primul dansator ce prinde gustul


Eu sunt ciurdar din barca cu Rashela,
Si fitilesc pe Loupul Cismigiu
Sa tina godfishorii in acvariu
In locul betivanilor ce nu mai pot.
La lumanare bleaga cresc scorul cu pionii
Si fac echipa roshe sa stea mai domolit,
Si-am fost Gica Petrescu sa-mi struguresc tot gustul.


Ishmael Reed - New and Collected Poems, 1964-2006

Online Poems by Jessica Hagedorn

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Doamna Clinton invata cazacioc

Michael Godard, 7 Heavenly Chards S-a tinut doamna Clinton tare pe pozitie pana cand a vazut ca nu se poate altfel - asa ca s-a apucat sa invete cazacioc. Si-a luat un kazac tinerel, Peter Daou, care tine si el un blog, Daou Salon.

Asa incat kazacul s-a apucat sa explice in Daou Report cum vine chestia cu triunghiul - stai sa vezi, triunghiul este mass-media traditionala, establishmentul si blogosfera - numai ca triunghiul era pana acum deschis - si s-au gandit sa-l inchida drept prin doamna Clinton.

Deci doamna Clinton va triangula de acum inainte cu kazacul Peter Daou - si pentru ca pofta-i mare, va mai triangula si cu alt kazac, pre numele lui Jesse Berney.

Cine nu ma crede, sa mearga pe Fix .


Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton was keeping herself off the Kossaks. Someone told her that such an attitude was a no-no, so she decided to make a change. How to proceed? For a start course, she considered learning to dance the Kazachok. Well, to learn Kazachok one needs a Kossack teacher, so Ms. Clinton decided to hire Peter Daou on this purpose. You know, the Peter Daou with the Daou Salon.

Mr. Daou started the first lesson with a report (the Daou Report) - explaining what was the matter with the triangle. A triangle has three sides, in our case the traditional mass-media, the Democratic establishment and the blogosphere. These three sides are to be connected, so a triangle needs also three connections – one was Mr Daou himself, the second was another fine Kossack, Jesse Berney – well, Ms. Clinton was expected to close the triangle. Here you go.

Don't you believe me? Then go to the Fix.

PS Senator Clinton and Liberals Split Over Flag Desecration

Ms. Huffington was not mollified.
"It seems in line with her stance on so many issues — trying to strike right in the middle and triangulate, by not supporting the amendment because that would upset the base too much and at the same time supporting a legislative proposal that will appeal to the center," she said of Mrs. Clinton. "It's a truly tragic way of leading."

Monday, June 26, 2006

Play Golf Free While Having Your Suit Pressed

Anonymous, Play Golf Free While Having Your Suit PressedPlay Golf Free While Having Your Suit Pressed is hanging on an old brick building while businessmen are standing around with shorts and golf clubs. The original photograph taken on October 3, 1930, captures clients of tailor, Harris Berger of Queens, New York, enjoying a round of putt-putt, while their suits are pressed.

The first time I saw this poster, it was in Bucharest. There is a passage between Calea Victoriei and Strada Academiei, the passage of Victoria

putt putt: Term used in place of miniature golf. Mostly in north-eastern ohio.

as for putt from the rough, it has a total different meaning:

1. A euphemism for being VERY gay.
Person A: "MP putts from the rough, if you know what I mean."Person B: "Oh, yeah, I hear ya."
Lets go play Putt Putt!

2. Crude description of gay anal sex. Originated from the movie "Good Will Hunting".
Hey, I got no problem if you putt from the rough!

3. get it on gayboy style
I bet that democrat putts from the rough

as for Putt Wee:
A word used to fill space in a sentence, or a silenceno exact definition, but it is fun as hell to sayjust say out loud once, you'll be hooked

1: Yesterday I ate a delicious melon...person 2: Putt Wee!person 1: That comment added nothing to the conversation, but it sounded funny...

But Putt is a Peice of Dink.

Dink: Local slang in Vermont. A stupid person, a jerk, an a-hole. A general putdown of one's abilities.

1. an item of marijuana pariphinaila.
Chek my new pyrex peice

2. Another name for a firearm.
Ayo, go in the car and get my peice from under tha seat.

3. a. a sexually attractive woman b. peice of ass
That is my kind of woman. What a hot peice!

4. short for a peice of ass, denoting sex
dude, would you pull that shit just for a peice?

5. a short and cleaner way of saying peice of shit.
your car's a peice ese.

6. A cell phone, beeper, or PDA
"yo meng i sent you a txt, look at your peice"

7. a large healthy dick
Girl, come back to my place and ill show you my peice

8. Refering to one's place of living.
"yo, lets go back to my peice and drink some beer."

9. often used to refer to one's computer
"Lets go home and play UT2K3 on my peice..."

as for meng
1. also spelled mang, latino for man.
yo meng, let's eat some tacos; it's crunch time!
Yo meng!Sup meng diddy meng meng!
Meng, you ate my taco!
2. something very unpleasant
You are the Man of Meng.""That t-shirt is really mengy."
3. To get fucked.
"I got menged today. I didn't finished my paper."
4. dysfunctional
The toaster is meng

Dupont Circle

Man Ray, Kiki
Come, meet me in some dead cafe
--A puff of cognac or a sip of smoke
Will grant a more prolific light,
Say there is nothing to revoke.

Lawrence Durrell, AVIGNON

Dupont Circle - cafeneaua cea mai frumoasa din Washington se afla aici, intre Connecticut Avenue si Strada 19. Cred ca in tot Washingtonul este singura cafenea care sa aiba o fizionomie pariziana.

Eram aici, am comandat o cafea si m-am asezat la o masa pe terasa. De obicei citesc vreun ziar cat timp imi sorb cafeaua, acum ma uitam doar la miscarea strazii. Se aflase acolo pe vremuri statuia amiralului Dupont, un erou al razboiului civil - a fost mutata prin anii 20 sau 30 la Wilmington, in Delaware, locul de bastina al amiralului.

In locul ei au pus o fantana uriasa - si asa Dupont Circle a ramas singura piata din Washington fara statuie.

Cautam o carte, The Next Deal, a unui politolog foarte tanar, Andrei Cherny. Este o deplasare de generatii in America, si este insotita de o deplasare a paradigmelor. Peisajul politic va arata in curand altfel.
Numai ca gasirea cartii s-a dovedit imposibila. Luasem librariile washingtoniene la rand, acum voiam sa incerc la Kramer Books, care e langa cafeneaua unde ma aflam.

Am terminat cafeaua si m-am ridicat sa plec spre Kramer Books. Atunci l-am zarit pe Le Vieux Monsieur. Un domn foarte batran, in mod sigur mult dincolo de optzeci de ani. Era o zi foarte calduroasa si toata lumea era imbracata cat mai usor. Le Vieux Monsieur purta un costum gros negru, o cravata neagra si o palarie grea, tot neagra.

In alt loc as fi zis poate Un señor muy viejo con unas alas enormes, dar aici era un colt de Paris, iar domnul acesta era pur si simplu Le Vieux Monsieur.

Statea la o masa si citea niscaiva ziare - ma intrebam daca nu erau niste ziare pariziene vechi, de mult iesite din circulatie, poate L'Aurore, poate chiar Le Temps, stramosul Monde-ului (A la Recherche du Temps Perdu on trouve Le Monde ou il s'ennuie) - pentru ca singurul loc din Washington unde puteai gasi un asemenea Vieux Monsieur putea fi numai aici, in Dupont Circle.

Cartea nu aveam sa o gasesc nici la Kramer Books.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Citindu-l pe Niebuhr - Christ and the Culture

De Niebuhr am aflat intamplator - venit dintr-o cultura ortodoxa, eram oricum mult mai familiarizat cu numele teologilor contemporani ortodocsi sau catolici. Am citit undeva despre el - era o discutie despre educatie, ideea era ca nu trebuie sa fii prea calat pe o tehnologie care oricum va dispare repede, ci iti trebuie o educatie care sa iti deschida orizonturi - era recomandat ca sa iti alegi la universitate si cursuri de arte, si studiul unei limbi clasice, era recomandata si teologia, dar neaparat studiindu-l pe Niebuhr.

De fapt au fost doi frati Niebuhr, Reinhold si Richard, apartinand de biserica presbiteriana, amandoi mari teologi ai sec. XX .

Am cumparat o carte a unuia din ei, Richard Niebuhr si am citit-o pe nerasuflate. Christ and Culture. O tipologizare a credinciosilor (valabila de fapt in orice credinta, nu numai in crestinism):

1. Christ against Culture - Tolstoi, Tertullian
2. Christ in Culture - Jefferson
3. Christ over Culture - Sf. Thomas Aquinatul
4. Christ and Culture in paradox - Sf. Pavel, Luther, Berdiaev, Reinhold Niebuhr
5. Christ transforming Culture - Sf. Augustin, Calvin, autorul

Niebuhr ne avertiza ca de fapt nici o persoana nu poate fi incadrata rigid intr-unul din tipuri - iar exemplele cu care opera erau reduse silit la tipurile respective - pentru a putea explica tipurile.

Pentru fiecare tip, Niebuhr incerca sa scoata in evidenta frumusetea pe de o parte, riscurile pe de alta.

Fiecare isi are o definitie a culturii - si Niebuhr o avea pe a lui - prin cultura el intelegea cumva intreaga lume in care traieste credinciosul - si atunci Christ & Culture poate fi inteles intr-un sens mai larg si "raportul credintei mele cu lumea in care traiesc" - sau chiar "raportul dintre eul meu si lume"
Eleganta tratarii subiectului m-a impresionat - si deschiderea de orizont - Niebuhr fiind intr-adevar un exemplu de personalitate ecumenica.

Si el, si fratele lui, sunt socotiti astazi, la jumatate de secol dupa aparitia operelor lor - ca fiind the forerunners a ceea ce astazi in America este considerat crestinism liberal (progressive, inclusive, diverse) - unitarienii, presbiterienii, episcopalienii, congregationistii, etc - aflati in opozitie cu crestinismul de tip born again.

Primele doua tipuri reduc binomul Christ & Culture la un singur element. Christ against Culture (Tolstoi) renunta la cultura. Christ in Culture (deistii, Jefferson) iau in consideratie de la Christ numai ceea ce poate fi explicat cultural - Christ (sau Yahwe) devine o expresie a culturii. Celelate trei tipuri pastreaza ambele elemente ale binomului - la Sf. Thomas Aquinatul filosofia este ancilla theologiae, dar este, are drept de cetate. Tipul cel mai interesant pentru mine este al patrulea, Christ & Culture in Paradox - o sa incerc sa starui mai mult asupra lui.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

First Post

This blog will be for keeping links to Updates, Live