Kandahar, Kasparov, Vietnam unlearned - Dispatches

Kandaharians call them. I'm preparing something about Kandahar, only I'm taking my time. Don't panick. I am just reading The War Gone By I Miss It So, by Anthony Loyd, speaking about other wars, in Bosnia and Chechnya - great book - so honest - humanity at its best and worst - the fascination for violence and cruelty, the fear, the illusory gap between participants and viewers in a war, between killers and victims - fantastic book - I will come back to it - and I am trying to read the blog of this Sarah Chayes, the blog of Kandahar.
What's bad for Putin is good for Russians (the
opposite is true, too) - anyway, Kasparov says.
And Bob Herbert thinks that some lessons from Vietnam remained
unlearned. I am about to read the Dispatches of Michael Herr. I have ordered it on the Amazon - only it takes time to arrive.
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